My Dream Plant Wish List

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If you have also been sucked into the #plantlady lifestyle, like me you’ve probably fallen in love with some plants on the internet. Beautiful Instagrams, awesome Pinterest boards and perfectly curated catalogs make interesting and unique plants hard to resist. So – I’ve compiled a list of the plants that I’m dreaming of having for myself. Check out my plant wish list and see what you think:

Rabbit Foot Fern

I’ve been eyeballing these unique ferns for a few years now, after first seeing them on Darryl Cheng’s instagram. They are part of a larger fern family that have similar ‘legs’ and this particular variety is known as Davallia fejeensis. So many plants we grow for their flowers or beautiful foliage, but these ferns have the strangest little hairy legs. I actually think they kind of look like creepy spider legs – very Halloween appropriate. I expect to get this odd little plant, I’ll have to buy one online. I’m keeping my eyes open!

Bird of Paradise

This one is a little silly – I think I could probably go to the local nursery or even a big box home improvement store and pick up a Strelitzia reginae no problem. That being said, I really want to get a neat little tropical area built into our yard somewhere. Then I can plant the bird of paradise in its own micro-climate where it can thrive and I can have a little tropical escape. I know this is pretty popular as an indoor plant right now as well, but I think the odds of getting it blooming and thriving is higher outside.

Rat Tail Cactus

Known botanically as Disocactus flagelliformis, these are so gorgeous. As is so often true with cactus, it took some time for me to be able to clearly identify that it was indeed that specific variety I wanted. There is actually a Golden Rat Tail cactus that is an entirely different family (Cleistocactus). These have the double whammy of looking cool on their own and having gorgeous flowers. Definitely deserves to be on the dream plant wish list. Another one to keep an eye out for at our local cactus nurseries. I’m sure I can pick one up and find a great spot for it to cascade over.

Disneyland Rose

My photo of a Disneyland Rose in Disneyland, CA.

In the past five years or so of visiting Disneyland once (or twice, if I’m lucky!) a year, I’ve always loved the roses that are planted along the New Orleans Square near the Haunted Mansion. I have an embarrassing number of close-up photos of these roses, but they are just gorgeous. I’d been casually thinking about how I could find out what kind of roses they were so I could have one at home. Lo and behold, they are special roses chosen specifically for Disneyland! The Disneyland Rose was created back in the early 2000’s and chosen for it’s desirable features like heat-resistance and long bloom season. I’ve looked to see if I can purchase one, but at the moment, all the sellers seem to be out of stock. I’m hopeful, but hey, if you have the Disneyland Rose hookup, holla at ya girl!

Do you have a dream plant list? Are there plants that you’ve been pining after? I love to hear what other people’s plant favorites are, especially those who live outside of the desert. Tell me what plant is calling your name in the comments below. If you haven’t already, check out my list of tried and true indoor plants and see if any of your favorites made the list!