7 BIPOC Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow

7 BIPOC Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow

We’re back again with another list of Instagram accounts that you need to follow. Today the focus is on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Now is a great time to find new creators and individuals and these accounts span all different interests and genres. 

Justice For All of Us

Justice For All of Us

What a year it’s been. I don’t need to tell any of you reading this that it’s been one for the history books. From a devastating pandemic, unconscionable brutality against Black people, and terrifying wildfires to name a few. Plus hey, guess what, life doesn’t 

Achieve Your Goals With 1-3-5

Achieve Your Goals With 1-3-5

Well, here we are in February and I’m finally getting around to writing about goal setting. Can you tell that timeliness wasn’t a new year’s resolution for me? In reality, I don’t really do ‘resolutions’. Instead, I like to set achievable and detailed goals using 

Going All Natural: Home Products

Going All Natural: Home Products

I’ve been considering moving toward more natural products for a few years now. I’ve started to replace disposable cleaning products with reusable options. We have mostly gotten rid of plastic food storage containers and switched over to glass. However, now that I’m a mom this 

Tunetown: Rainy Day Mood

Tunetown: Rainy Day Mood

I love a good rainy day. Since we have an average of 335 sunny days here in Tucson, rainy days are sort of a special occasion. Even moreso are those slow, drizzly days where the sun never quite makes it out and everything is cool 

My Favorite Youtube Channels

My Favorite Youtube Channels

What can’t you find on Youtube anymore? I think at this point, if you can dream it, it’s out there. From DIY projects, garden tours and “clean with me” videos to political commentary and epic rap battles, it’s all there just waiting for you to 

Going All Natural: Skincare and Makeup

Going All Natural: Skincare and Makeup

I’ve been interested in transitioning to more being more environmentally friendly and natural products for some time. However, now that I’m a mom this transition feels even more urgent and important. Join me as I search for natural and non-toxic solutions for beauty & home. 

DIY: Reusable Makeup Wipes

DIY: Reusable Makeup Wipes

Whew! I can’t be the only person who waits until the last second to do something that will only take a couple of minutes, right? I’ve been planning to make these DIY reusable makeup wipes for months but I just kept putting it off. It’s