A New Addition

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This year for my birthday, I had my eye on practical things: a new mailbox, bookshelves, a dining room table. At the top of my list (well remembered by my husband) was a tree for our front yard. Is that weird? It might be weird.

I’m very pleased to say that I’m the proud owner of a new tree! We picked up this Texas Olive or Cordia boissieri at a local nursery the day before my birthday. I had been researching trees for a few months and settled on this one. It’s not native to Arizona but is very comfortable in heat without excessive watering. It also has gorgeous flowers almost year round. After several hours of digging, the hole was ready for the tree, and in it went.

My husband worked very, very hard digging that hole! I actually feel a litle guilty that he worked so hard for my birthday gift. Oops. (thanks to my dad and brother for their help, too!) Over the days that followed I made a nice berm around the tree and moved landscape rocks back. In the first few days, the leaves wilted in . However by nightfall they have perked up again and it’s looking beautiful. It continues to bloom and produce it’s characteristic “olives”. I’m not going to be tasting them anytime soon – they are reportedly either poisonous or hallucinogenic. Fun!

If you’re interested in seeing some of the other plants in my garden check out my post here. I also have a post on my favorite house plants – gotta keep that #plantlady street cred!

Anything new in your plant family lately? I have had my eye on this tree for a while, so I’m very pleased to have greet me when I walk out my front door. Let me know in the comments below what plans you have for your yard.