Holiday Gifts for New Dads

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Shopping for guys can be tough, but there is something special about shopping for a new dad. Just like new moms, new dads have experienced some serious changes post-baby so treating them to something they will really love just seems right. Since I’m shopping for the new dad in my life (he won’t read this, hopefully!) I put together some recommendations to share of my favorite holiday gifts for new dads. Check it out:

Dad Gear

This is an easy one to go overboard on, so I recommend keeping it simple and even a little abstract. Don’t go head on with the WORLD’S BEST DAD t-shirt when you can probably get a quirky or cheeky shirt that will fit his style better. Here’s a couple of items I like:


When thinking of holiday gifts for new dads, there’s something nice about giving him something to do rather than something to have. Is he a movie buff? Maybe he loves to play Frisbee golf or go backpacking? Narrow down to something he likes to do and then get a gift that gives that experience to him. A great option for this is a movie theater gift card, national park membership, or gift certificate to a local golf club. Being in 24/7 baby mode often means that he hasn’t had time to do the things he did pre-baby. With this gift, he can start to work that back in.

Nintendo Switch

This one is specific, but if the new dad you’re shopping for is a gamer this is a great option. The Nintendo Switch is portable, lightweight and easy to play anywhere you are. Our Switch got a lot of use in the first few months when booting up the computers or bigger consoles seemed overwhelming. If you aren’t sure what games to get the old classic Mario Kart is a great starting point. We also love Stardew Valley and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for a little more involved gaming.

Baby & Dad Specialty

For most new dads, mom is number one when it comes to their baby. She feeds, soothes and often is the primary caregiver. Every family and parenting dynamic is different, but you can really make a new dad feel loved by getting him something that celebrates the special relationship he has with his new baby. Coordinated outfits, dad specific books and more are a great fit here:




It’s so worth it to take a few extra minutes and come up with a gift that will make a new dad feel loved this holiday season. I know I have some special things tucked away for my guy, so I hope you find something perfect too! Check out my ideas for new moms here.